How to manage your bug reports in Notion

I use Notion to do a lot of things including managing tasks and projects in my life without feeling overwhelmed about it.

I keep my mind focused on the task at hand without worrying too much about new (or) unrelated ideas because I have an idea capture system that can be revisted later on.

Notion is great for project management and this is a big win for engineering teams that want to get things done.

One great use-case is 'bug capturing and tracking'.

This is especially helpful for tech teams that have and run a bug bounty program.

A team can use Notion databases to capture bug reports without losing track of them in long email threads.

The requirements are basic enough,

  • Every bug report can be a record in the bug report database
  • Every bug report can have several properties that bind them together like status, severity, assignee etc
  • One can group & lookup reports by several of the said properties to gain further insight on types of bugs that have been reported in the past

Here's a screenshot of my Bug Report Tracker Notion Workspace:

Bug Report Tracker

Let me explain how I built this and how to use it,

You'll notice that the desktop version of this workspace has 2 main columns:

The first column contains 3 sections while the second contains 2.

The first (top-left) section is the Navigation section which is essentially a callout block in Notion.

This section hosts links and buttons that allow the user to navigate (or) perform actions with minimal effort. One can place links to all databases and views in a particular workspace to lay them all out for the user to work with.

Right below the Navigation section is a database with the name Severity. Every bug report in the bug report database can be assigned a severity that exists in this database.

The bottom most section in the left column, is a view of the bug report database itself grouped by Severity property to help the members of the tech team get a quick glance at the number of bug reports under each Severity group.

This linking and grouping is possible using a Relation property between the Bug Report database and the Severity database.

The Relation property one of the most powerful features of Notion databases. This allows users to link, group & track records across databases without losing the context. This property is specifically used to maintain context across different databases and attach meaning to it all.

The Second column in the desktop view contains 2 sections, the top most is the Status database which is the database that holds different statuses that a bug report can be assigned with and linked to as a Relation.

The last but important section is also a View of the bug report database. This is grouped by the aforementioned Status relation property of the bug reports. Just like Severity status based grouping and tracking allows memebers of the security or tech team to track different bug reports by their statuses, often to keep SLAs from being breached.

I've specifically crafted this Notion Workspace to make it usable in both desktop and mobile view. Each View to the database contains both desktop view and mobile view.

The Kanban based view is definitely not mobile-friendly as we depend on horizontal scrolling which is considered as a bad experience on the mobile.

A better alternative would be to use a the Gallery view with grouping which can be glanced at using vertical scroll which is considered a superior mobile experience.

This workspace has been crafted using the Notion's default icons that are minimal yet powerfully indicative of their nature and behaviour.

Thank you.